Welcome to: Rochelle's Health & Wellness
"Look and Feel Good As GOLD"

Virtual Appointment: Google Meet or Zoom
*Please use link below to schedule your FREE weight loss consultation*
Youthin Weight Loss

Corporate Lunch & Learn
Is this product all natural? YES no chemicals, no soy, no ephedrine
What are the four vitamins? Multivitamin, Fat Burner, Appetite Suppressor, Energy Booster
What ingredients are in the products? vitamin B, C D, zinc, malva leaves, herbs, minerals
What is the average weight loss in 3 weeks? 7-11 lbs with some exercise
Do I have to change my diet? We will give you a recommended 1300 calorie meal plan
What are the side effects? Slimmer in the waist and face
Will this affect my medications? NO It is all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbs
How long has Youthin Weight Loss & Tea in business? Since 1960's
How many times per day do I take the vitamins & tea? Once per day unless instructed different
Does the detox tea run you all day? NO it takes 6 hours to work once or twice after consumption
Will the vitamins or tea make me feel hyper or jittery? NO must take with food
Does the tea taste good? YES you will add your favorite tea bags, honey or sweetener
How long do I take the product? Since they are all-natural as long as you wish
How do I keep my weight off? We will switch you to the detox tea only for tummy control
Can I come pick them up? NO Please allow 5-7 days on all USPS Delivery
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not intended to cure, treat, nor prevent any
disease. No Refunds or Exchanges
Text: Youthin 901-231-6299 or Call: 901-406-5210
Virtual Appointment: Google Meet or Zoom
*Please use link below to schedule your FREE weight loss consultation*
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